Topics in Environmenal Studies: Pathways of Pollution


In this course, I:

  • participated in beach cleanups
  • created sculptures out of marine debris
  • learned about various types of pollution
  • analyzed terrestrial sound files from Wells, ME
  • analyzed underwater sound files from Aruba, Bonaire, Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, and Martinique

What did I gain from this course?

  • experience using new software- ArcGIS, StoryMaps, Raven lite
  • a better understanding of the various environmental issues involving pollution


Course Description: Pollution is one of the most important factors influencing the quality of life and the degradation of ecosystems. This course will focus on the ecology of pollution with an overview of representative local, national, and global pollution problems through a service learning and hands-on approach. Our emphasis will be on the science of the problems, working with local organizations on real data, and producing products that will be useful beyond the bounds of our classroom. The course will examine topics including (but not limited to): noise pollution, marine debris, microplastics, water quality, and pharmaceuticals among others. We will also discuss the relations between consumption of resources and pollution, and the role of science in environmental public policy, generating solutions, and decision making.


Work Samples: